The Danish Conception

Landing at the Københavns airport is a surreal moment, almost such that an atheist will reinstate their belief in God instantly. Inescapably and suddenly, the Øresund bridge strikes out as you descend to the ground amid the fog and dense clouds to reveal an architectural beauty in the North Sea. Tempted by the expectations of [...]

A girl called Brenda II: part 2

Tim was a village lad, known for his good looks an being learned, he was a pride for most girls if they had a chance to walk, or talk with him. He liked to call himself Tim-son because he admired the famous early explorers who had a "son" fix at the end of their names. [...]

A girl called Brenda

Whenever I think of it, I get hate feelings, I start to wonder what kind of person I am. I hate the picture i get when I imagine me. Brenda was a 17-year-old girl when I met her. She was slender and on a toll of growing tall. She was young, still growing up but [...]